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Kali Linux in Microsoft Azure (Video)

Kali Linux in Microsoft Azure VideoKali Linux is one of the most versatile and highly regarded pentesting platforms available The suite of ov...


Pentesting Microsoft Office 365

IT security is a game of cat and mouse Bad actors are continuously developing new methods for disrupting systems and CTOs CIOs and their teams are ...


Community Coding

I wanted to share how my recent experience in community coding helped me improve what I was doing internally At Agile IT weve been making big inve...


Rightsizing your Microsoft Licenses (VIDEO)

Save Money on Your Microsoft Licenses - Rightsize Them! Over one million accounts moved to the cloud. Behind that hill of accounts is a mountain of licenses; as a Microsoft Cloud Service Provider (CSP), we manage and maintain the licensing of our CSP customers...


Using Azure DevOps for IT Management (VIDEO)

Using Azure DevOps for IT Management - Leverage Azure DevOps for effective IT management, automating processes for building, continuous testing, and deployment, even if you're not part of a software development team....