- Active Directory 3 Azure 250 Azure Government 57 News and Articles 3 Cloud Computing 7 Compliance 3 Cloud Virtualization 2 Data & AI 140 Dataverse 1 DevOps 5 Email Tips 1 Enterprise Mobility Suite 2 Entra 7 Exchange 1 Government Cloud 4 Intune 39 KnowledgeBase 1 Managed IT Support 1 Microsoft Government Licensing 22 Microsoft Licensing 57 Microsoft Office 365 347 Microsoft Office 365 GCC High 27 Modern Work & Productivity 1 GCC High 1 Microsoft Purview 3 Micrsoft Teams 1 Office 365 27 Power BI 7 Power Platform & Power Apps 33 Security 15 Security Services 1 Security and Compliance 2 Sentinel & Defender 142 Sharepoint & Teams 73 Syntex 1 Tech Team Tips & Tricks 2 Tech Talks 9 Windows 3 Windows 11 & Azure Virtual Desktop 35

Microsoft Priva in GCC, GCC High, and DOD
As you strive to meet the unique and evolving eligibility requirements of the DoD with either GCC, GCC High, or DoD, you've likely pondered over data security concerns and how best to protect confidentiality. In response to this need for privacy protection...

Connecting Office 365 to GCC High for Cross-Cloud Collaboration
Previously a natural tension existed between commercial organizations operating out of Microsofts commercial side with their enclaves or business un...

Litigation Hold in Microsoft 365
Companies face multiple legal issues in the modern business world from regulatory changes to contract disputes If youre a decisionmaker at a compa...

Getting GCC Validation
Data security is of great concern to federal agencies and contractors The federal government leverages Government Community Cloud GCC to ensure sec...

How Security Drives Adoption and Change Management in Teams
One of the biggest challenges for any organization is maintaining the proper security standards while adopting a new process procedure or tool It i...

Implementing XDR With Microsoft Defender and Sentinel
Security can be complex Often you end up with multiple standalone security solutions which can be pretty complicated You want to find a means to c...