The new Office is coming
Office 365 Virtual Launch February 27thcaption idattachment77761 alignalignright width105wpcontentuploadsKurtDelBene1...

Office 365 Virtual Launch - February 27th
Microsoft Office Division
Join us at the Microsoft Virtual Launch Event on February 27th as we celebrate the availability of a major new release coming to Office 365 for businesses.
If you are exploring cloud offerings, you will not want to miss this event. You’ll hear from Kurt DelBene, President of the Microsoft Office Division, about Microsoft’s vision for productivity, enterprise social and the cloud.
There will be a demo of the new features in enterprise social and you’ll see how Microsoft has transformed the full Office experience you know into an always up-to-date service.
Finally, you’ll hear real world stories from other customers about their move to the cloud and Microsoft experts and executives will answer questions via live chat throughout the event.