- Active Directory 3 Azure 250 Azure Government 56 News and Articles 3 Cloud Computing 7 Compliance 3 Cloud Virtualization 2 Data & AI 139 Dataverse 1 DevOps 5 Email Tips 1 Enterprise Mobility Suite 2 Entra 7 Exchange 1 Government Cloud 4 Intune 39 KnowledgeBase 1 Managed IT Support 1 Microsoft Government Licensing 22 Microsoft Licensing 57 Microsoft Office 365 347 Microsoft Office 365 GCC High 26 Modern Work & Productivity 1 GCC High 1 Microsoft Purview 3 Micrsoft Teams 1 Office 365 27 Power BI 7 Power Platform & Power Apps 33 Security 15 Security Services 1 Security and Compliance 3 Sentinel & Defender 142 Sharepoint & Teams 73 Syntex 1 Tech Team Tips & Tricks 2 Tech Talks 9 Windows 3 Windows 11 & Azure Virtual Desktop 35

How the NFL Redefines the Modern Workplace With Microsoft
The NFL season wraps up today with Super Bowl LIII Were seeing more referees using the Microsoft Surface Pro Theyre able to watch instant replays...

Migrating From Exchange 2010 to 2019
January 14 2020 is approaching and for organizations everywhere that means one thing its time to start the process of migrating Exchange 2010 to 2...

20 Questions to Ask a Managed Service Provider
Choosing a managed service providercloudmanagedservicessecurity is an important decision A good choice helps a business grow and avoids pitf...

Creating Compelling Security Training and Awareness Programs
People in IT know the importance of security training If employees dont know how to avoid crucial mistakes the result could be an expensive breach...

HipChat Users Should Migrate to Microsoft Teams
The new year brings a ton of new things new workflows new tech restructured business plans etc But one thing the new year isnt going to bring i...

Save Money in Azure by RightSizing Your Virtual Machines
Saving Money in AzureSaving money in Azure is as simple as getting rid of whitespace You pay for CPU underutilization in your virtual machines...