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Do You Need GCC High for CMMC 2.0?

Do You Need GCC High for CMMC 20NO Thats right you do not need GCC High for CMMC 20 not even for level 3 However you might need GCC Hi...


Tips for Reducing Cybersecurity Insurance Premiums

The recent attack on the Colonial Pipeline made everyone aware of just how fragile cybersecurity can be. But companies who deal with it on a daily basis have always known it's a serious threat.


What Is the Microsoft Substrate?

The word substrate refers to an underlying layer or surface This gives us some clues as to what the Microsoft Substrate is To understand more about ...


WWIII: The Cybersecurity War

There have been many wars across the world since the beginning of time Most of these wars were physical boots on the ground firefights Taking a fe...


Microsoft 365 Retention Policies Protect Valuable Data

Microsoft 365 end users work with substantial amounts of content on a daily basis. Due to legal and regulatory obligations, information may be required to be preserved for a specific amount of time, or may need to be deleted after a certain period....


Basic Security in Microsoft 365

Microsoft 365 is a very secure environment when used properly This means following practices that will minimize the chances of unauthorized access A...


Understanding NIST 800-172 Enhanced Security Controls

In the recently released special publication 800-172, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) details enhanced security requirements for controlled unclassified information (CUI) for non-federal systems and organizations...