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Microsoft 365 Migration Security - 10 Things to Consider

A lot of companies are migrating to Microsoft 365. Doing so has a number of advantages, but the migration process itself can be fraught with problems. One worry companies might have is keeping everything secure through the process....


What Is a POAM?

Compliance with NIST 800171 and DFARS requires two critical documents The Plan of Action and Milestones POAM or POAM and the System Security Plan...


WVD for GCC High: Now in Public Preview

Windows Virtual Desktop WVD for GCC High is the newest way that government and defense contractors can utilize cloud technology For the past few mo...


Azure Security Center - Video Demo

The following is a recap of our Agile IT Tech Talk entitled "Azure Security Center," providing an overview of its many great features. To hear that Tech Talk and more like it, visit our Agile IT YouTube channel and subscribe...