- Active Directory 3 Azure 250 Azure Government 56 News and Articles 3 Cloud Computing 7 Compliance 3 Cloud Virtualization 2 Data & AI 139 Dataverse 1 DevOps 5 Email Tips 1 Enterprise Mobility Suite 2 Entra 7 Exchange 1 Government Cloud 4 Intune 39 KnowledgeBase 1 Managed IT Support 1 Microsoft Government Licensing 22 Microsoft Licensing 57 Microsoft Office 365 347 Microsoft Office 365 GCC High 26 Modern Work & Productivity 1 GCC High 1 Microsoft Purview 3 Micrsoft Teams 1 Office 365 27 Power BI 7 Power Platform & Power Apps 33 Security 15 Security Services 1 Security and Compliance 3 Sentinel & Defender 142 Sharepoint & Teams 73 Syntex 1 Tech Team Tips & Tricks 2 Tech Talks 9 Windows 3 Windows 11 & Azure Virtual Desktop 35

Five Ways to Build Innovation Into Your IT Budget
How can you make sure that your IT budget actually supports that forward movement GartnersTop 10 technology trends of 2019...

Setting up Single Sign-On (SSO) in Azure AD (VIDEO)
Setting up SSO in Azure Active DirectorySSO in Azure active directory is the perfect balance of convenience and security Enabling it remove...

Rightsizing your Microsoft Licenses (VIDEO)
Save Money on Your Microsoft Licenses - Rightsize Them! Over one million accounts moved to the cloud. Behind that hill of accounts is a mountain of licenses; as a Microsoft Cloud Service Provider (CSP), we manage and maintain the licensing of our CSP customers...

The Spooky Thirteen Scariest Breaches and Hacks of 2018
Dont be afraid of cyber security The number of breaches and hacks in 2018 might seem scary but security tools are advancing almost as quickly as th...

Configuring Compliance Rules in Microsoft Teams
Moving your data and applications to the cloud is one thing Maintaining compliance too is something else altogether and many SMBs and organizations ...

Using Azure DevOps for IT Management (VIDEO)
Using Azure DevOps for IT Management - Leverage Azure DevOps for effective IT management, automating processes for building, continuous testing, and deployment, even if you're not part of a software development team....