- Active Directory 3 Azure 250 Azure Government 56 News and Articles 3 Cloud Computing 7 Compliance 3 Cloud Virtualization 2 Data & AI 139 Dataverse 1 DevOps 5 Email Tips 1 Enterprise Mobility Suite 2 Entra 7 Exchange 1 Government Cloud 4 Intune 39 KnowledgeBase 1 Managed IT Support 1 Microsoft Government Licensing 22 Microsoft Licensing 57 Microsoft Office 365 347 Microsoft Office 365 GCC High 26 Modern Work & Productivity 1 GCC High 1 Microsoft Purview 3 Micrsoft Teams 1 Office 365 27 Power BI 7 Power Platform & Power Apps 33 Security 15 Security Services 1 Security and Compliance 3 Sentinel & Defender 142 Sharepoint & Teams 73 Syntex 1 Tech Team Tips & Tricks 2 Tech Talks 9 Windows 3 Windows 11 & Azure Virtual Desktop 35

Office 365 Offline Access - Modern Workplace in a Not So Modern Environment
Office 365 offline access is a must if you want to stay productive during an internet outage Office Microsoft 365 is a great set of applications an...

Understanding Microsoft FastTrack: How FastTrack Helps You
Agile IT is a FastTrack Ready Partner This means that we assist companies around the world to migrateto the cloud effectively viaMicrosofts FastTr...

Inside Azure DevOps Demo (Video)
Inside Azure DevOpsThis week we took a rapid fire demo inside Azure DevOps and introduced two new guests the minds behind our Agile DevOps se...

Git for System Administrators
Most people who know about Git think of it as a repository for software projects Its actually more than that Its valuable with any kind of files ...

Enabling and Using Advanced Features in Microsoft Teams (Video)
Enabling and Using Advanced Features in Microsoft TeamsDavid Branscome Partner Technical Architect at Microsoft and expert at all things Teams...

What Is Windows Virtual Desktop?
UPDATE Windows Virtual Desktop is now in General Availability Watch our Tech Talk to learn how to Set Up Windows Virtual Desktop news setting...