Change Control For Infrastructure (Video)
Change Control For InfrastructureImplementing change control for infrastructure is useful for many reasons Aside from being a bestpractice ne...

Environmental Benefits of Cloud Computing
In addition to the technological and financial benefits of cloud computing there are often environmental benefits that are overlooked It reduces ene...

What is Azure Sentinel?
Going to the cloud doesnt mean freedom from security issues Cloud services are targets just as much as onpremises systems As they grow in populari...

AgileIT Earns Microsoft DevOps Gold Competency
Agile IT acloudfirst managed services company has earned the Microsoft Gold Competency for DevOpsThis new gold competency marks a continua...

Infrastructure as Code Live Demo (Video)
Infrastructure as Code What is Infrastructure as CodeIn traditional IT a server gets requested from the IT department and they must spi...

A Guide to Migrating From Google to Office 365
When it is time to start migrating from Google Suite to Office 365 IT personnel need to prepare for the transformation with an organized comprehensi...