How Business Leaders Preserve Culture in Remote Workplaces
Many businesses are currently moving intoremote workservicesmicrosoftoffice365cloudmigrationtargetblank relnoopener noreferrer mo...

Microsoft Teams for Heathcare Demo [Video]
Microsoft teams is a valuable tool in any organization, but once you start looking at specific use cases, you start to see the real power behind the platform...

Teams and SharePoint, Working Together
Sometimes people ask if they should use Microsoft Teams and SharePoint with Office 365 The question shows a misunderstanding of how the products work...

10 Free Security Resources for Remote Work
When you consider all the online threats out there (with phishing, Shadow IT, APTs, ransomware, and cryptominers, to name just a few), you must ensure you are employing necessary and effective tools capable of protecting....

Comparing Google Drive to SharePoint
Your business needs an IT platform that allows its team members to share and store data while also collaborating on various projects The question the...

Testing Telework for Business Continuity
Sometimes situations make it dangerous or impossible for employees to come into work. If there's no other option for job completion, operations will grind to a halt. Natural disasters or extreme weather can hinder travel...