ITAR Compliance in Office 365
The world of government data is surrounded by regulation Whether thats FedRAMP DFARS compliance and the upcoming Cybersecurity Maturity Model Com...
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The world of government data is surrounded by regulation Whether thats FedRAMP DFARS compliance and the upcoming Cybersecurity Maturity Model Com...
San Diego Agile IT is proud to announce sponsorship of Department of the Navy Gold Coasthttpswwwnavygoldcoastorg 2022 Conference from...
Do You Need GCC High for CMMC 20NO Thats right you do not need GCC High for CMMC 20 not even for level 3 However you might need GCC Hi...
The protection of sensitive information is a critical priority for every business. This responsibility is not just for the protection of the organization, but to ensure compliance with applicable laws, regulations, and policies...
February 23rd was a significant day for Microsoft and the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). In a series of posts on the public sector blog, it was announced that Microsoft would now support DFARS 202.204-7012 in Azure Commercial and GCC...
Protecting the organizationsinfrastructuretargetblank relnoopener noreferreris a critical priority for IT departments in every sector...
You do NOT need GCC High to Meet CMMCThats correct you do not need GCC High to meet CMMC There are no requirements in the Cyber Security Mat...
Protecting your data is of paramount importance for every organization no matter what kind of data they hold But some data requires special protecti...
With the fastpaced workplace modernization and the need to reduce operational costs its time for the financial institutions to think outside the bo...
Compliance with NIST 800171 and DFARS requires two critical documents The Plan of Action and Milestones POAM or POAM and the System Security Plan...