Azure Government

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CMMC Version 1.0 Announced

The Department of Defense has just released Version 1.0 of CMMC , the Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification program. It will provide the basis for ensuring compliance under ...


DFARS Compliance in Office 365

The DOD is planning to introduce the new Cybersecurity Maturity Model Compliance framework (CMMC) in 2020. To say that cybersecurity is a pressing issue in the government space would be an understatement. As the government comes...


From JEDI to DEOS: Why DEOS is Top DOD Cloud Deal

The DOD's JEDI Project has been awardedBy now, most of you have heard about the DOD's $10 billion JEDI project. The Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure Project (or JEDI) is the DOD's hyper-competitive contract aimed at creating a global, resilie...


10 New Tools Available in FedRAMP High

Microsoft has 10 new tools available in FedRAMP High Giving Microsoft a present total of 67 services within their FedRAMP High Authority to Operate ...


Git for System Administrators

Most people who know about Git think of it as a repository for software projects Its actually more than that Its valuable with any kind of files ...

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