Do You Need GCC High to Meet CMMC Requirements?
You do NOT need GCC High to Meet CMMCThats correct you do not need GCC High to meet CMMC There are no requirements in the Cyber Security Mat...

Create and Manage Break Glass Accounts in Microsoft Azure AD
Enterprises depend on the continuous operation of their systems and networks to keep them in business But what happens when users are locked out ofA...

What Is GCC and GCC High?
Microsoft Office 365 has four cloud environments for its users, each one serving a different purpose. Understanding the differences between them is crucial in determining which one you'll need to utilize based on your specific requirements...

Supply Chain Attacks: What They Are and How You Can Beat Them
Supply chain attacks also known as a third party or value chain attack have become quite rampant thanks to technological sophistication that has giv...

How to Migrate From Slack to Microsoft Teams
Aside from this morning's massive Slack outage, there are many concerns about Slack's acquisition by SalesForce last month. While it is unclear if Slack will migrate from its current home in AWS to Salesforce's less resilient servers, it is obvious that Salesforce is interested in Slack's data as much as its product...

Migrating to GCC High
Protecting your data is of paramount importance for every organization no matter what kind of data they hold But some data requires special protecti...