Microsoft Azure Posts

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Introducing Microsoft Entra

Introducing Microsoft Entra

The truth of the matter is that it is virtually impossible for businesses to plan ahead for the different access scenarios that might arise across the...


What Is GCC and GCC High?

Microsoft Office 365 has four cloud environments for its users, each one serving a different purpose. Understanding the differences between them is crucial in determining which one you'll need to utilize based on your specific requirements...


Is It Time to Migrate from Google Cloud Platform to Azure?

A report by The Information claims that Google Cloud is under pressure from the company's top levels. It's currently the No. 3 cloud platform provider after AWS and Azure, and the leaders want it to try harder. If it can't rise to No. 2 by 2023, it could lose funding....


Best Practices for DevSecOps in Azure

The DevSecOps approach to releasing and maintaining software has largely replaced the old way of having separate teams for development and administrat...


What is Azure Sentinel?

Going to the cloud doesnt mean freedom from security issues Cloud services are targets just as much as onpremises systems As they grow in populari...