GCC Posts

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Getting GCC Validation

Getting GCC Validation

Data security is of great concern to federal agencies and contractors The federal government leverages Government Community Cloud GCC to ensure sec...


Do You Need GCC High for CMMC 2.0?

Do You Need GCC High for CMMC 20NO Thats right you do not need GCC High for CMMC 20 not even for level 3 However you might need GCC Hi...


GCC High Vs GCC for Protecting CUI with CMMC

February 23rd was a significant day for Microsoft and the Defense Industrial Base (DIB). In a series of posts on the public sector blog, it was announced that Microsoft would now support DFARS 202.204-7012 in Azure Commercial and GCC...


What Is GCC and GCC High?

Microsoft Office 365 has four cloud environments for its users, each one serving a different purpose. Understanding the differences between them is crucial in determining which one you'll need to utilize based on your specific requirements...

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