data security Posts

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Microsoft Priva in GCC, GCC High, and DOD

As you strive to meet the unique and evolving eligibility requirements of the DoD with either GCC, GCC High, or DoD, you've likely pondered over data security concerns and how best to protect confidentiality. In response to this need for privacy protection...

Getting GCC Validation

Getting GCC Validation

Data security is of great concern to federal agencies and contractors The federal government leverages Government Community Cloud GCC to ensure sec...


WWIII: The Cybersecurity War

There have been many wars across the world since the beginning of time Most of these wars were physical boots on the ground firefights Taking a fe...


Understanding NIST 800-172 Enhanced Security Controls

In the recently released special publication 800-172, the National Institute for Standards and Technology (NIST) details enhanced security requirements for controlled unclassified information (CUI) for non-federal systems and organizations...


Data Loss Prevention in Microsoft 365

Data loss prevention is paramount for every organization That means keeping sensitive data from malicious actors and also preventing the accidental d...


Azure NAT Gateway for Security - Coffee with Conrad

This recap covers an episode of Agile IT's Coffee with Conrad, where scenarios were explored illustrating how Azure NAT Gateway can facilitate IP whitelisting for secure access to sensitive infrastructure by remote workers using Windows Virtual Desktop...

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