Azure Posts

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Migrating SaaS Applications to Azure

Migrating SaaS Applications to Azure

Cloud service providers like Azure and Amazon Web Services AWS offer companies safe convenient and efficient storage services for all their needs...


What Is GCC and GCC High?

Microsoft Office 365 has four cloud environments for its users, each one serving a different purpose. Understanding the differences between them is crucial in determining which one you'll need to utilize based on your specific requirements...


Azure Security Center - Video Demo

The following is a recap of our Agile IT Tech Talk entitled "Azure Security Center," providing an overview of its many great features. To hear that Tech Talk and more like it, visit our Agile IT YouTube channel and subscribe...


Azure NAT Gateway for Security - Coffee with Conrad

This recap covers an episode of Agile IT's Coffee with Conrad, where scenarios were explored illustrating how Azure NAT Gateway can facilitate IP whitelisting for secure access to sensitive infrastructure by remote workers using Windows Virtual Desktop...