Joining an Azure VM Role to Active Directory Domain Controller
Review a diagram of the elements in a Windows Azure Connect configuration in which Windows Azure roles are joined to a domain...

1. Review a diagram of the elements in Windows Azure Connect.
Overview of Windows Azure Connect
2. Review a diagram of the elements in a Windows Azure Connect configuration in which Windows Azure roles are joined to a domain.
Overview of Windows Azure Connect When Roles Are Joined to a Domain (diagram)
3. Install the endpoint software for Windows Azure Connect on one or more computers or virtual machines (VMs) in your local network. The computers or VMs are then called local endpoints.
Important One of these computers or VMs must be a domain controller that is also a DNS server.
How to Install Local Endpoints with Windows Azure Connect
4. On the local endpoint computers, in the firewall, open the TCP 443 outbound port.
Overview of Firewall Settings Related to Windows Azure Connect
5. Collect information about the settings you will need to specify for Windows Azure roles that will be joining a domain. Work with a developer to begin creating the configuration for the Windows Azure role or roles that will be joined to the domain.
Overview of Windows Azure Connect When Roles Are Joined to a Domain (tables)
6. Work with a developer to activate one or more of your Windows Azure roles for Windows Azure Connect, using the configuration that you began creating in the previous step.
The role or roles will not be connected to or visible in the domain until you complete the next step in the checklist.
How to Activate Windows Azure Roles for Windows Azure Connect
7. Create and configure an endpoint group, or modify an endpoint group that you created previously. Be sure that the group includes the domain controller on which you have installed the endpoint software, and the activated, configured Windows Azure roles that you want to join to the domain.
After you create the group, you can confirm that the Windows Azure role is visible in the domain.
How to Create and Configure a Group of Endpoints in Windows Azure Connect