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IT Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisitions

Recent statistics reveal that between July and September 2021, there were over 1,000 mergers and acquisitions (M&A) deals in the technology services sector in the United States. The combined total number of M&A deals from across industries including finance...


Tips for Reducing Cybersecurity Insurance Premiums

The recent attack on the Colonial Pipeline made everyone aware of just how fragile cybersecurity can be. But companies who deal with it on a daily basis have always known it's a serious threat.


Agile IT Listed as RCP 350 Top Microsoft Partner

Agile IT, an industry-leading managed services provider, was recently named in Redmond Channel Partner (RCP) magazine's top 350 list of Microsoft Partners in the U.S. The list represents a selection of the strongest Microsoft partners in the country with attention to the company's technical focus...


What Is GCC and GCC High?

Microsoft Office 365 has four cloud environments for its users, each one serving a different purpose. Understanding the differences between them is crucial in determining which one you'll need to utilize based on your specific requirements...


Migrating to GCC High

Protecting your data is of paramount importance for every organization no matter what kind of data they hold But some data requires special protecti...